Decoding the Brand DNA: Core Values – The Foundation of a Brand

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The core values of a brand go beyond the tangible benefits of its products or services. They represent the perceptions and beliefs about a brand, built from its spirit, initial impressions, and the consistent stories woven from its vision, mission, image, and personality. Core values can be a motto or a phrase, and while they need not be entirely unique compared to other brands, they must deeply reflect the brand's identity and positively influence consumer perceptions.  

  • Finding Core Values: Core values are often linked to the emotional connections between consumers and a brand. Market research helps identify these emotional needs and how they align with the brand's offerings. By analyzing competitors' core values, businesses can discover and develop their unique values, sometimes even uncovering unmet emotional needs to create distinct brand values.
  • Defining Core Values: Creating core values for a brand is challenging, as it's easy to want to encompass many values. However, the goal is to select the values that best serve the brand's strategy. Surveys on consumer perceptions and needs provide invaluable insights into how consumers view the brand. Understanding these perceptions is key to shaping and selecting core values that resonate with the target audience.
  • Embodying Core Values: Core values can be expressed in various forms, such as a motto, an action statement, a slogan, colors, or images. Regardless of the form, core values must be clear, straightforward, and easily recognizable and memorable to consumers. Market research helps analyze consumer perceptions to ensure that the brand's core values are accurately understood and acknowledged, allowing for timely adjustments and strategic communication.

Establishing core values is akin to laying the foundation and backbone of a brand. All campaigns and strategic directions become more coherent and strategic when a brand has its unique values. Market research is essential in shaping, defining, and building the core values of a strong brand.  

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MAP Insight - a veteran team set out to deliver profound market research expertise, a robust data collection network, and actionable insights infused with strategic marketing expertise.    
At MAP insight, we specialize in providing comprehensive research solutions to empower brand owners in making informed decisions at every stage of their brand development journey. From portfolio management to segmentation and product/marketing strategy, we are your trusted partner for strategic insights.  

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